The Babies have been enjoying our wonderful garden!

The Babies have been enjoying our wonderful garden this week!

The older babies have been busy exploring the climbing equipment, using the balance beams and ladders to help promote their physical development. Its great fun seeing how high we get or how far we can walk along the beams. Then when it’s been very sunny and warm we have been sitting in the shade enjoying the cool breeze and exploring the cars and musical instruments. We loved making lots of noise and wiggling our bodies and nodding our heads to the beat of the drum and pushing our cars along the blanket, “Brum, brrum!”.

Back inside we have also been exploring our sensory lights.  The Babies have been mesmerised by all the pretty colours and different textures, reaching out to touch and following the bubbly lights as they whiz up the tube!

EYFS Links

Communication and Language: Listening and attention – Moves whole bodies to sounds they enjoy, such as music or a regular beat. 8-20 months

Communication and Language: Listening and attention – Has a strong exploratory impulse. 8-20 months

Communication and Language: Listening and attention – Uses sounds in play, e.g. ‘brrrm’ for toy car. 8-20 months

Physical Development: Moving and Handling -When sitting, can lean forward to pick up small toys & Sits unsupported on the floor. 8-20 months