Shooting Stars Outdoor Environments Training

As part of the on going training and development at Shooting Stars, this Saturday staff from each of…

Bromsgrove – Helen 10 Year Anniversary At Shooting Stars!

A huge congratulations to Helen from Bromsgrove Nursery, she is celebrating 10 years as part of the team…

Bromsgrove – Christmas Trip 2019

Yesterday was our Christmas trip to Umberslade farm.

Bromsgrove – Toddlers Meet Beat Baby!

We have recently introduced Beat Baby to the Toddlers at Bromsgrove!

Bromsgrove – Remembrance Day 2019

Yesterday Pre-school participated in a 2 minute silence to remember the fallen soldiers.

Bromsgrove – Exploring Autumn

The season has changed and Pre-school have noticed that the colours of the trees have changed and the…

Bromsgrove – Pre-School Celebrate Diwali

Pre-School have been learning about Diwali, the festival of light.

Bromsgrove – Babies Celebrate Diwali

We have celebrated Diwali in the Baby room this week.

Bromsgrove – Babies Sensory Play

Bromsgrove Babies have been exploring sensory bags.