The children in the baby one room have been enjoying the new summer menu. The babies demonstrate their independence by using a spoon to feed themselves, with support where necessary. They do get messy but mealtimes offer the perfect opportunity for the babies to explore different tastes and textures, and also to develop their social skills when sitting at the table with their friends.
One of their favourite meals is spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread followed but fruit pizza biscuits with natural yogurt.
EYFS links:
Physical development, Health and self-care 8-20months:
-Opens mouth for spoon.
-Holds own bottle or cup.
-Grasps finger foods and brings them to mouth.
-Attempts to use spoon: can guide towards mouth but food often falls off.
Physical development, Health and self-care Birth-11 months:
– Anticipates food routines with interest.