The Toddler room children and staff have had been celebrating and exploring all things football and England this week!
– We have enjoyed a variety of creative activities using different resources and methods such as colouring, painting, gluing, sticking and identifying lots of different colours in the flags of the Euros teams. We created a display of our beautiful artwork in our windows to help cheer on England!
– We have also enjoyed multiple cooking activities including making England flag pizzas and football biscuits.
– Everyone took part in a fun-filled football match. First of all, the children learned some of the rules of football (there were a lot of hand balls!) and cheered everyone on when they scored a goal.
– We have all joined in listening to ‘football’s coming home’ which some of the children were able to recognise from hearing at home recently, so they enjoyed singing and dancing to it like they do at home!
– It has been an exciting week for the children to be involved in and the last thing to say is…. COME ON ENGLAND!
EYFS links:
Moving and Handling: 30-50, Can kick a large ball; Runs safely on whole foot
Making Relationships: 22-36, Interested in others play and starting to join in
Exploring and Using Media and Materials: 22-36, Joins in singing favourite songs and experiments with blocks, colours and marks