Last week for Children’s Mental Health Week, we brought our focus towards our feelings and emotions in lots of different ways. The children enjoyed making masks and playdough faces to show different emotions. Some children said they were making their mummy or daddy’s face.  Preschool 1 & 2 have been exploring emotions and how we feel. We thought about when or why we feel happy or sad and how this might show on our faces. We tried to recreate these emotions on our face boards. One girl said, “She’s sad because she has chickenpox”!
We also used playdough to make faces of how we’re feeling. The children were very good at recognising emotions from facial expressions and forming the key shapes.
EYFS links:
Managing feelings and behaviour; 22-36 months; Can express their own feelings such as sad, happy, cross,
scared, worried / Responds to the feelings and wishes of others; 30-50 months; Aware of own feelings, and knows that some actions and
words can hurt others’ feelings.