Over the past few weeks Toddlers have been enjoying exploring autumn and talking about preparing for planting. As part of this we spoke to the children about what we need to do in order to make sure that our crops grow. Some of the children were able to recognise that we needed; “soil, water and sun” to ensure our crops were able to grow.
(Understanding the world: The world: Notices detailed features of objects in their environment: 22-36months)
(Understanding the world: the world: Shows care and concern for living things in the environment: 30-50months)
We then used our spades and turned out the soil patch ready to do some planting. We used the metal detector to make sure that there was nothing in the soil that would stop our plants from growing. The children showed good control and care when using their tools.
(Physical development: Moving and handling: May be beginning to show a preference for a dominant hand: 22-36 months)
Holly then asked what might want to eat our props in the garden. One child recognised that the “the birds will eat them” whilst another replied “the foxes will want the food”. Holly asked the toddlers what we could do to stop the animals and birds from coming to get our props, and explained we could make a scarecrow.
We then read the story of “the scarecrow’s wedding” to find out what we needed to make a scarecrow. The children recognised we needed: “a hat”, “pyjamas”, “a nose”.
(Expressive arts and design: Media and materials: Uses various construction materials: 30-50months)
(Literacy: Reading : Repeats words and phrases from familiar stories: 22-36months)
We went out into the garden after collecting all of our materials. To make the scarecrow. They pushed the stuffing in until it was “puffed out.” Once we had finished, one child said “the birds will go away” and cheered, whilst another named the scarecrow “Posum” We then all joined in singing dingle dangle scarecrow.
(Expressive arts and design: Media and materials: Joins in singing favourite songs:22-36months)