Parent Partnership & Communication
Key benefits of the eyLog app
eyLog enables practitioners to move away from the restrictions of a paper based learning journey and create richer observations by incorporating photos, videos and audio clips. This helps to create a more comprehensive learning journey that is kept up to date.
You will be able to contribute towards your child’s learning journey at home by adding in your own observations and photos of things your child has been doing away from nursery. This aspect of eyLog makes the learning journey even more comprehensive by enabling a multifaceted view of your child’s development through their early years. We also invite you to add information to the ‘my world’ section of your child’s ‘all about me’ record. This will be reviewed with you by your child’s key person each time you attend a ‘working in partnership’ meeting.
eyLog offers a close integration between early years observations and EYFS assessments, and eliminates the need to make manual links. This reduces the time and effort involved in ‘paperwork’ such as taking observations and linking EYFS assessments to learning goals. This allows childcare practitioners to bring the focus back to providing a stimulating experience for the children in their care.
We are now able to keep track of the breadth and depth of information we are recording about what and how children are learning with greater efficiency. In turn we use this to identify each child’s next steps and areas where additional support if needed much more astutely. This means that each observation recorded and analysis made is far more valuable as we are able to use the information more effectively.
Sharing a child’s observations and learning journey with parents increases their involvement in the activities at the nursery. Parents can login and access the learning journey at the click of a button and be able to view the observations recorded at the nursery as soon as they become part of the learning journey. eyLog also makes it possible for parents to contribute their own observations at home, enabling a fuller picture of the child’s development.
The technology also supports a daily record, especially for our younger children, of food, milk, and nappy changes. By logging these as they occur, we can ensure that up-to-date information is always available to parents. This will also free up staff to talk to you more about your child’s day at hand-over and enable us to shift some of the focus from passing on the details of basic care routines.
Working in partnership
At Shooting Stars, we strongly believe that parents and carers are a child’s first and most enduring educators. We also understand that when parents and practitioners work together in Early Years settings, the results have an immensely positive impact on each individual child’s development and learning. Strong, effective partnerships with children’s families are some of the most valuable tools in ‘getting it right’ for them. That’s why we work in close partnership with parents to ensure good communication between home and nursery.
The relaxed and welcoming environment at Shooting Stars supports parents to regularly share information with us about their child so that we can provide continuity of care between home and nursery. We value communication with parents at every opportunity, whether at a scheduled formal Parent Partnership meeting or as a quick, informal chat at pick up.
We use the eyLog app for the two way sharing of information between home and nursery and for communicating important nursery information and health notices. We post regular observations in each child’s online learning journey, and log daily basic care such as nappies, milk, food and sleep to provide parents with a clear picture of their child’s day.
When parents have questions we ensure that they are answered honestly and straightforwardly, and we truly value parent feedback to help us to improve each family’s experience at Shooting Stars.
The role of the Key Person
Each child’s Key Person is the staff member nominated to oversee and deliver practical, educational and emotional support during their child’s journey into, through and beyond nursery. A child’s key person is dedicated to investing in, safeguarding, prioritising and planning for their well-being, learning and development, reviewing their progress at regular intervals, and evaluating whether adjustments need to be made to support better outcomes for them. Our staff team members enjoy a unique bond with each of their Key Children as individuals too, by spending time getting to know their unique needs, wants, interests and fascinations.
Parents are encouraged to communicate with their child’s Key Person regularly to ensure the changing needs of their child are continuously being met.
What Parents Say
“I love to read the notes left each day to see what she’s been doing, especially the photos, and I find the learning progress reports really informative.“
“We always get wonderful little updates on the app on the day that he's in, which clearly shows what skills he's developing whilst playing. The activities are always varied, and he always comes home really happy.“
“The nursery administration is very professional, with an online app containing newsletters, updates and important documents.“