Kings Norton – Preschool get ready for Reception
Which school are you going to?
Kings Norton – Preschool get ready for Reception
Which school are you going to?
Hinckley – Planting seedlings
The babies have really enjoyed planting their home-grown seedlings
Kings Norton – Eid celebrations
The children and staff have been exploring and celebrating Eid at nursery
Hinckley – National Smile Month
Say Cheese!
Hinckley – National Smile Month
Say Cheese!
Wolverhampton – Understanding similarities and differences
We are all different and unique!
Hinckley – Flower arranging
Pre-school 2 have been flower arranging using playdough and fresh flowers.
Wolverhampton – Wedding Bells!
Wedding bells are ringing in the toddler room today ahead of Tanita’s wedding this weekend!
Hinckley – Sensory nature play
We have been exploring flowers through sensory play