The babies have been very busy in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and lots of different activities
The babies at Hinckley have been very busy this week, enjoying the garden in the sunshine.
We had lots of fun getting very wet by splashing in the soapy water.  We also used the big metal spoons to scoop up the bubbles and leaves, putting them into a colander and watching the water drip through the holes.
The babies enjoyed throwing, kicking and hitting the balls around the garden, crawling to catch them as they rolled away!
Exploring chalk has also been a favourite, with the children making marks using a variety of colours on the chalk boards
EYFS links
Personal, social and emotional development; Making relationships; Interacts with others and explores new situations when supported by a familiar person

Communication and language; Listening and attention-Has strong exploratory impulses,  concentrates on activities of own choosing for a short period of time

Physical Development; Moving and Handling; Crawls to continuously move around, walks around furniture (cruising)