Even though there

Busy Builders and Beautiful Daffodils.

Even though there’s a lot going on right now, we’re still making sure the children have an amazing time at nursery!

This morning we have been using the loose parts to create our own building site then using the tools to ‘fix it’. We especially loved using the hammer to pretend to build a super big tower!

As well as this, we have also been thinking about Spring by looking at some real-life daffodils and using the paint to create our own pictures. We used similar colour such as, “Yellow” & “Green”, and created different strokes with the paintbrushes! Some of our children also really enjoyed talking about the flowers and said they were, “Pretty”.


EYFS links:
Moving and Handling: Shows control in holding and using Mark making tools (hammers ect).
Speaking: Learns new words and uses them in communicating.

Understanding the World: Notices detailed features of the environment.