The Toddlers have been having great fun both indoors and outdoors
Now all children are back together within their room bubbles, they are reconnecting and renewing friendships which has been lovely to see, particularly when playing together in the tunnel outside and turn taking on bikes.
We used some crates to help develop our fine motor skills, by threading different sized pipe cleaners through the holes. We had to concentrate really hard to get the end in but it was really fun to watch some fall through to the other side whilst others got stuck! We took it in turns with our friends, making sure we could all have a go.
Outside, we’ve been enjoying the mild weather and exploring the leaves in the garden. We found a snail, and were fascinated with how it slowly moved across the leaves and sticks.

EYFS links:

  • Personal, Social and Emotion development (Making relationships) – Playing alongside others; May develop special friendships with other children;m Seeking out others to share experiences.
  • Physical Development – beginning to move in a variety of ways; Pulling themselves up on nursery equipment.
  • Understanding the World – noticing detailed features about their environment.
  • Moving and Handling: Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools (22-36 months)
  • Making Relationships: Interested in others’ play and starting to join in (22-36 months).