Seaside fun in the baby room
Digging in the play sand with tools and our hands, discovering the textures in our sea shell treasure basket and wavy mark making on the floor. We used blues, purples and greens reminiscent of the colours of the sea, incorporating brushes and our hands to mix and swirl the paint, creating lots of different marks, patterns and shades.
The practitioners modelled single words relating to the beach, the sea and summer during the children’s play such as splash, waves, sand, sunshine, hot, cold, dig, fill. The children felt the textures of the sand between their fingers and tried to brush it off when it became stuck to their skin. They made sounds and babbled when exploring, using some recognisable words in context during their play.
EYFS links (8-20 months)
Listening and attention: Has a strong exploratory impulse.
Understanding: Understanding of single words in context is developing
Speaking:Uses single words / Frequently imitates words and sounds / Enjoys babbling and increasingly experiments with using sounds and words to communicate for a range of purposes.
Moving & handling: Enjoys the sensory experience of making marks in damp sand, paste or paint / Holds pen or crayon using a whole hand (palmar) grasp and makes random marks with different strokes.
The world: Watches toy being hidden and tries to find it.