The pre-school children love to make playdough, with a little bit of adult help. This activity is an important part of continuous provision, supports physical development and manipulative skills as well as creativity and personal development.
The Recipe….
- First mix flour and cornflour, then carefully pour the water little by little untill we get the right consistency.
- Its time to add some colour using liquid paint – we never quite know what colour we will get with a splash of this and a splash of that!
- Now we can get messy, dusting the flour or cornflour on the table – the children love the soft sensory feel.
- The final special touch is to add some glitter – hey presto the playdough is ready to be rolled, shaped and moulded anyway you want!
The children experience a huge sense of satisfaction as a result of being actively involved in making something they love to use.
EYFS Links
Physical Development (Moving and Handling) Show control in using vessels for pouring – 22-36 months
Mathematics (Number) Use language relating to quantity eg more, less – 22-36 months
Expressive Arts and Design (Exploring and using media and materials) Explore colour and how it can change– 30-50 months
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Making Relationships) Keep play going by responding to what others are doing – 30-50 months
Characteristics of Effective Learning : Engage in open-ended activity, showing ‘can do’ attitude, maintain focus, being proud of what they accomplish