Hinckley Pre-school have been ‘hands on’ – learning how to use tools and equipment safely and effectively during some outdoor risky play activities.
With their full attention, the children listened carefully as we talked about safety and understanding the dangers of real tools. Then with close support, supervision and adult permission, the children confidently began to develop their skills. Taking turns and sharing the tools they really enjoyed using the one handed hammer, being careful to keep their other hand and fingers out of the way, they discovered the nails could be pushed down in to the logs. Then working together, with some adult help, as a team they sawed backwards and forwards to cut off the branch.
The learning and skill development from this activity will help the Pre-schoolers with our next steps – Carrying out tasks and following directions whilst being a helper during meal times and carefully carrying plates safely also the use of knives and forks at mealtimes.
EYFS Links
Communication and Language: Listening and attention, 30-50 Months – Is able to follow directions.
Physical Development: Moving and Handling, 40-60 Months – Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
Physical Development: Health and self-care, 30-50 Months – Understands that equipment and tools have to be used safely.
Expressive Art and Design: Exploring and using Media and Materials 30-50 Months – Realises tools can be used for a purpose.