...and other messy fun!

The children have been taking part in lots of very messy activities. We have been making our own playdough and trying very hard to put in the correct measurements and get the consistency just right, this can take a little time and practice! The children have also been playing in the dinosaur swamp, there was bubble wrap in the bottom of the swamp and the dinosaurs worked very hard stomping to burst all of the bubbles! We have been building on our fine motor skills by practicing our scissor skills and have been cutting playvdough into different shapes and sizes.

Our favourite activity has been exploring chocolate gloop, this was a mixture of cornflour, water and hot chocolate powder which the children explored using their senses. The children immersed their hands through the mix and let it run through their fingers. This encouraged the children’s curiosity and enhanced their mark making skills and they made purposeful marks, shapes and patterns in the gloop.  We then went off to do a great job of washing our hands and getting them all clean. We are experts at handwashing now!

Next steps

To experiment with other media and materials to create different textures and continue to build skills using one handed tools, such as scissors.


Link to EYFS

Physical Development; 

Moving and Handling; Uses one handed tools and equipment    30 -50months

Health and self-care;   Can wash and dry hands                                30-50 months


Shape ,space and measure: Shows an interest in shapes and space by playing with shapes and making arrangements with object     30 -50 months

Orders two items by weight and capacity         30 -50 months