What will we be when we grow up?

This week in Toddler room at Kings Norton, the children have shown great curiosity in occupations. We have used this create our very own experiences using different resources, materials and role play. We created our very own doctors surgery using the baby dolls as our patients, the first aid kit and our toy doctors set. All of the children took it in turns to try and put bandages on their baby dolls, using toilet paper and also using the doctors kit to make their dolls feel better. We also created a fire scene using the firemen and the policeman figures with orange tissue paper to represent the fire. The children worked together to put out the fire using the hose and pretending to be firefighters shouting “fire, fire, fire!”.

The Toddlers have also been enjoying the garden and collected natural resources such as rocks, stones and leaves to create natural world pictures. They used paint and water to make marks on their stones and natural materials.



Making relationships: 22-36 months: Interested in others’ play and starting to join in/Seeks out others to share experiences.

Self confidence and self awareness: 22-36 months: Expresses own preferences and interests.

The world: 22-36 months: Enjoys playing with small-world models

Being imaginative: 22-36 months: Beginning to make-believe by pretending