The Kings Norton Preschool children have been very busy with construction, painting and exploring nature

We have been using our imagination to build and construct with a variety of materials, learning to stack and connect pieces together and balance blocks on top of one another to build towers. ” A castle” one child said when asked what they made. We encouraged the children to begin to use the language of size as they built. ” Big house”, “A tall and long train”, the children excitedly told us.

Inside, we explored paint and the children independently selected what colours they wanted to use. They used cars and small world figures to make marks in the paint, across the table. “Fast cars” and “wheels” the children said.  We talked about the patterns that emerged as they moved their cars around and extended on what the children were saying by asking open ended questions.

Outside, the children have shown a great interest in leaves, noticing detailed features of objects in their environment, so we decided to do leaf painting and printing. The children talked about the shapes and sizes of the leaves as they painted. We will continue this emerging interest in next week’s planning – learning all about the environment.

We also had fun in the sun playing on the bikes and scooters in the garden, negotiating space and direction as well as learning how to use the pedals.


The world: 30-50 months: Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.

Speaking: 30-50 months: Builds up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences & Uses talk in pretending that objects stand for something else
in play, e,g, ‘This box is my castle.’

Moving & handling: 40-60 months: Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.