This week our focus has been exploring and talking about different textures with a variety of materials, such as; water glitter and paint, glue, beans and foam dough.

This week our focus has been exploring and talking about different textures with a variety of materials, such as; water glitter and paint, glue, beans and foam dough.

The children particularly enjoyed exploring the foam dough and said, ” Its’ sticky!” ,” Super sticky!” and ” It’s a bouncy trampoline!”. Pre-school decided they wanted to add the animals to the water glitter mix and also to the cornflour and this has inspired our topic for next week. We are going to learn all about animals because as well as adding the animals in to their different textures, the children when exploring the garden have been pretending to be at the zoo and imagining they can see different animals!

We have also been making marks in the garden with different sized brushes and water.


EYFS Links

Communication and Language: Speaking – Uses talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events. 40-60 months

Expressive arts and design: Exploring and using media and materials – Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects. 40-60 months

Physical Development: Moving and Handling – Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control. 40-60 months