Pre-school children and staff thoroughly enjoyed their “Phonics Stars” class today, incorporating letters and phonics into fun interactive educational activities.
The children really engaged with the activities and practiced their listening and attention skills, whilst working together and enjoying getting involved in the balancing, pom pom and play-doh games. These classes complement our focus in nursery and build the children’s confidence and knowledge in preparation for school. They also help towards supporting children’s fine and gross motor skills, social skills, including listening, sharing and turn taking, as well as contributing to learning about letter formation and pencil grips, whilst having lots of FUN!
EYFS Links
Communication and Language: Listening and attention – Two-channelled attention – can listen and do for short span, 40-60 months
Literacy: Writing- Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet, 40-60 months
Communication and Language: Speaking-Extends vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words, 40-60 months.