This week in Kings Norton Pre toddlers we have continued with our autumn theme, exploring autumn sensory objects such as leaves, sticks, pine cones and using these to make marks. We made some autumn playdough and explored the texture using our fingers to mould it into different shapes and pull it apart. We have also been developing our self care skills by helping to wash our own hands before meal times and helping to get ourselves dressed ready to go into the garden. We have also welcomed lots of new friends over the past few weeks and have helped them settle by playing cooperative games together such as building towers and knocking them down. We’ve had lots of fun making new friends!
Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Shows a desire to help with dressing/undressing and hygiene routines. (16-26 month)
Understanding the World: Explores objects by linking together different approaches: shaking, hitting, looking, feeling, tasting, mouthing, pulling, turning and poking. (16-26 months)
Making Relationships: Plays alongside others (16-26 months)