The Toddlers outdoor activity originated from the children looking at the different insects that were in the garden. We chose to then do an adult led activity to support the childrens’ curiosity by learning about the different natural materials that are in the garden. We encouraged the children to collect different materials from the garden such as sticks, grass, leaves and stones and to then place them into a bowl. As they were collecting the objects one of the children got excited and said “look a stick!” and ran to collect it.
This activity helped the children to think and learn about the different natural materials that are in the garden but also to be able to feel and describe the different textures between them.
Next steps: to talk about what different animals/insects would live in the different habitats.
EYFS links:
The world – Notices detailed features of objects in their environment – 22-36 months
Listening and attention – Is able to follow directions 30-50 months