This week the Toddlers are exploring maths, looking at numbers and shapes in different ways.

This week the Toddlers are exploring maths, looking at numbers and shapes in different ways.

This started as an adult led activity to encourage and spark the children’s interest and support some of the children’s next steps. We practised our writing skills and how to hold our writing tools, which helped to support our pencil control, by copying and imitating how we think shapes look. As the children made marks, the children said “Squares” “Triangles” and “Circle”, they also said “Circles go round”.

It was a great opportunity to encourage the children to explore more in the construction area and using different shapes and materials, we began to build. Some of the children could name their shapes and talk about what they made. When looking at shapes in books, one child said “Look a circle”, when they saw a ball. They smiled when we praised them.

We explored our environment and encouraged the children to try and find some shapes around us, as we explored this theme we noticed the children were now exploring more area’s of the room with confidence. As they searched, they also began looking at the different vehicles they could see outside.

Next Steps –
We will begin to talk about different sizes and the shapes of everyday objects as well as counting them.
We will continue to practice our pencil control and encourage the children to distinguish between the marks they make.


Physical Development: Moving and Handling, 22-36 months – Beginning to use a tripod grip.
Communication and Language: Speaking, 22-36 months – Uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing feeling, experiences and thoughts.
Mathematics: Shape, space and measure, 22-36 month – Notices simple shapes and patterns in pictures.
Understanding the world: The world, 22-16 months – Notices detailed features of objects in their environment.