Its been a busy week exploring shadows, creating natural wreaths and using toothbrushes to paint on foil.

Natural Wreaths: The children had lots of fun exploring outside for natural materials. They found a range of materials from flowers, sticks, berries and seeds and explored the items using their 5 senses and talked about them. We later created some natural wreaths sticking the resources on in a pattern. We cannot wait to display our wreaths in the room and to watch them blow in the wind.

Toothbrush painting and printing: The children enjoyed exploring paint using tooth brushes to make different marks. Using different strokes with the brushes they mixed different colours together. We then demonstrated printing the paint pictures onto foil to make a pattern. The children were really intrigued to see how the painting turned out on the foil.

Exploring shadows: The children have shown a great interest in using the torches in the dark, enjoying watching the light move around and flash. We introduced shadows to the children using animals and they really enjoyed making them big and small with the torches. The children problem solved to understand how the animals appear on the wall using the torches by communicating and talking with their friends and carers.