Its been a very busy month in Pre-school 2!

Its been a very busy month in Pre-school 2!

Santa’s workshop was a great place for role play. In this area the children were able to experience wrapping different items and sharing them with their friends to open, this activity helped with fine motor skills. In the literacy area we had a letter writing station where the children could write their own letters to Santa and Christmas cards then post them in the box. This activity helped with their pencil control and ability to form recognizable letters.

Throughout December we have also been practicing our songs for our sing along Nativity. The children were so excited to find out their parts and they learned some new Christmas songs. On the day of the Nativity they all did an amazing job and were so brave performing in front of families and friends.

The children have also been exploring and creating with textures, adding different scents to play dough such as cinnamon and herbs. We explored oats and made reindeer food, the children added glitter and sequins to make it magical.

What a fun month!

EYFS links:
Physical Development: Moving and Handling, 30-50 months – Holds pencil between first two fingers and thumb no longer using whole hand grasp.
Expressive arts and design: Exploring and using media and materials, 30-50 months – Sings a few familiar songs.
Literacy: Writing, 40-60months -Forms Recognisable letters.