Throughout this week we have been focusing on mark making with a festive twist!

Through out this week we have been focusing on mark making.

On Monday the children drew their pictures to Santa using lots of different colours and marks. We encouraged lots of descriptive language, talking to the children about the colours they used and talking about what they made. The children were very confident in identifying the colours and speaking about what they have made such as “Santa”, “presents”, “lines and circles” and “number one”.

On Tuesday the children made their very own snow! We used our fingers to make marks and the children were encouraged to draw simple shapes, circles and lines. They showed good control and were able to identify some of shapes the staff had made such as circle, square, star and heart.

On Wednesday the children designed their own festive wrapping paper using the different coloured pens, they really enjoyed making lots of patterns showed good pen control.

EYFS links:

Communication and Language: Understanding, 22-36 months – Understands more complex sentences.

Communication and Language: Understanding, 30-50months – Responds to simple instructions.

Communication and Language: Speaking, 22-36months – Uses language as a powerful means of widening, sharing feelings experiences and

Physical Development: Moving and Handling, 22-36mths – Beginning to use three fingers (tripod grip) to hold writing tools.

Physical Development: Moving and Handling, 22-36mths – May be beginning to show preference for dominant hand.

Expressive arts and design: Exploring and using media and materials, 22-36mths – Experiments with blocks, colours and marks.