This morning in the toddler room the children helped to make a tent using different materials.

Making Yummy Ice Lollies

During the lovely sunny weather this week we made delicious ice lollies!

We mixed the ingredients into a bowl and then carefully poured them into the ice lolly moulds. We waited for them to freeze in the freezer and later on we checked to see if they were ready. Some of the ice lollies were ready to eat and some turned into lovely slushies which we drank out of cups with our friends. They were so yummy and we loved crunching the ice and seeing how it melted.

EYFS Links

Making Relationships 22-36 “Seeks out others to share experiences”

The World 30-50 “Talks about why things happen and how things work”

The World 16-26 “Explores objects by linking together different approaches”