The Stourbridge Toddlers have been busy exploring the farmyard role-play.
The Stourbridge Toddlers have been busy exploring the farmyard role-play.
Interacting with their peers discussing what animals they could see, the children excitedly shared experiences from their own trips to farm parks and zoos too.
Some of the children then wanted to paint their favourite animals using a wide range of different mark making tools. The children dipped brushes, rollers, stamps and printers into the paint and dabbed, rolled and printed across their paper. They created some wonderful animal shapes and prints 🐾 and made their best animal noises too!


Expressive Art and Design -16-26 months: “Notices and is interested in the effects of making movements which leave marks”

Expressive Art and Design -16-26 months: “Experiments with blocks, colours and marks”

Communication & Language -22-36 months: “Uses a variety of questions”

Communication & Language -22-36 months: “Uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing feelings, experiences and thoughts”