This month’s BIG activity in the Toddler room was painting with dinosaurs on an enormous paper sheet on the floor. The children selected the colours they wanted to use, we covered the floor in paper, and took our shoes and socks off as well as putting suits on to keep our clothes clean.
The children experimented with different colours, patterns and shapes using the dinosaurs and some of the children joined their patterns together with their friend when their dinosaurs were ‘playing’ together.
The children loved this activity as it incorporated things they are interested in in a fun and messy way, as well being able to easily access the resources on a different level (on the floor).
EYFS links:
Physical Development: Moving and handling:22-36 months:
– Imitates drawing simple shapes such as circles and lines
– Squats with steadiness to rest or play with object on the ground, and rises to feet without using hands
– May be beginning to show preference for dominant hand
Mathematics: Shape, space and measure: 22-36 months:
– Notices simple shapes and patterns in pictures
Expressive art and design: Exploring and using Media and materials: 22-36 months:
– Experiments with blocks, colours and marks