This week all of the children are really enjoying Chinese new year celebrations!

“Gong hei fat choy!”

This week all of the children are really enjoying Chinese new year celebrations.

We have been playing in our Chinese takeaway home corner, practising using chopsticks to transfer rice and make delicious meals. The children have made some fabulous Chinese New Year decorations and practised writing Chinese numbers. All of the nursery have been super excited and have enjoyed sharing their Chinese experiences at circle time, sharing food they have tried and ornaments or decorations they have seen in their environment.

Celebrations are continuing throughout the week and we will be introducing the children to some traditional Chinese food’s and imitating movement in response to traditional Chinese music!

EYFS Links:

Understanding the world: People and communities

Early Learning Goal – Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions

British Values-
Encouraging children to engage and be part of the wider community.
Help children to appreciate and respect the culture of others.