Today in preschool we have all really enjoyed becoming wicked witches, creating magical potions and spooky rhyming spells! Following the instructions and recognising the numbers to count the creepy ingredients into our cauldron, with a swish of our wands and an ‘abracadabra’ we used our imaginations to turn each other into frogs and cats!
We also created a spider’s web and loved seeing how high the spiders can bounce off the web! Then following the children’s interest we continued on with the Halloween theme and created spiders using playdough pipe cleaners and edible eyes.
EYFS links-
Literacy: Reading, 30-50 months- Enjoys rhyming and rhythmic activities.
Mathematics: Numbers, 40-60 months- Recognises numerals 1-5.
Expressive Arts & Design: Being imaginative, 30-50 months- Uses available resources to create props to support role play.